Tuesday, March 20

Stupid Airlines

So what I don't get is how airlines justify the outrageous fees when you want to change a flight. If the flight cost the same amount of money they aren't losing money. But no they rather charge you an ungodly amount of money and make you mad. Then they charge you like a million bucks just cuz you want to bring luggage with you on your trip. I mean who do you know that doesn't need to bring clothes to wear on a trip. I am pretty sure they frown upon being naked on airplanes. Should make going through security easier, no places to hide anything, well almost no place. Lol. I have half a mind to pull a Joey from friends and just wear everything I own on the flight, that is probably frowned upon too. Anyway the silver lining about all the stress I went through to change flight times is that I get to see Scotland. I am super excited and will be seeing the lovely country in 2 weeks and I will inform you all of my adventures there, trust me they will be epic.

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