So as most of you might know I am somewhat of a gypsy. My boyfriend of 6 years plays professional volleyball so when he goes overseas to play I follow along. I went home to Kansas City for Christmas this year and left the warmth of the south of France behind. I had a pretty good time back home but couldn't wait to get back. You would think since I was so excited to come back to France I would know what day I was supposed to leave. Not so. On Sunday I went to my dad's house to see some family and friends before I left. I get a call that night from my boyfriend telling me I leave the next morning at 6 am NOT Tuesday morning at 6 am. You know in cartoons when they levitate off the ground and their eyes pop out of their head? Ya that happened. I rushed home, drunk I might add, to pack all my stuff for my flight that was leaving in less than 10 hours. I highly recommend to everyone that they know the dates of traveling and double check so they avoid this happening to them. Everything worked out in the end and I even got upgraded on my overseas flight.
Since I am already talking about traveling I am going to go off on a tangent about what you can and cannot bring on an airplane. I have had everything from a perfume bottle to deodorant to tweezers taken away from me at security. Fine. Whatever. I don't really have the desire to get blown up so do what you gotta do. Now I am sitting on my flight this past time from Chicago to Amsterdam and the girl across the aisle from me is knitting. She is using her knitting needles to make a really pretty scarf. Obviously she isn't a terrorist but I can't help but be annoyed that she can bring those on the plane and I can't bring my tweezers. She can shank someone, stab something that contains explosive gas, or hold somebody hostage with those things. What was I going to do with my tweezers? Over pluck someone's eyebrows? I understand that TSA has to chose their battles but I think someone needs a reality check on what is dangerous and what is not.
Youuuuuuuu faaaaiiiilllleedddd meeeeeee!!!!!! I was really hoping to see you! Oh and yes that's bs about the knitting needles.